Monday, February 2, 2009

Publish online or perish, a scenario more will face

The P-I's possible transition to an all-digital online-only version sparked a pretty good column by Editor & Publisher's Steve Outing last week.

Outing argues that the P-I isn't likely the only newspaper facing the 'online or perish' choice. He also suggests some one-newspaper towns could see the same kind of financial necessity dictating their brave new future -- or none at all. And he has some thoughts for who'll get jobs in that new world:

What will it take to get one of the remaining jobs in the all-digital newsroom? Certainly an understanding of, and probably enthusiasm for, new forms of media
and storytelling. The transformed newsroom will be filled with multi-functional
journalists who are comfortable carrying around a digital camera and tiny video
camera; who make it part of their routine to record audio for possible use in
podcasts or multimedia project sound clips; who are regular users of social
networks and understand how to leverage them to communicate with and attract new readers, and share some personal information about themselves as well as promote their work; and who are comfortable and willing to put in the time to engage and communicate with their readers or viewers, including participating in reader
comment threads accompanying their stories.

Check out his whole post. Click here. Kudos to P-I online producer Curt Milton for pointing this one out.

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